Thursday, February 15, 2007


Last evening I had a revelation while I sat in the balcony of my apartment, trying to think of the name of a gullible person whom I could make the scapegoat for the bug I could not find in my software. I realized that I prefer blonds. I could even go so far as saying that I loved them. I even have them sorted out very well inside my head and my three favourite blonds are Cobra mild, Kingfisher premium and Castle lager. I do like amber beers too, but blonds have a little something about them which others don't. Incidentally, I also found out yesterday that Cobra mild also has a stronger cousin, another blond, by the name of King Cobra. How corny can you get? But I love the name. :)

Meanwhile, here are some more pics from Brugge or, since we are punning heavily about names, Brouge. Here goes:


At 5:52 AM, Blogger Senthil said...

Loved the last snap - very gothic horror types. Would look great in black and white, wouldn't it?

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Cee Kay said...

Love all the pics. Seems like it is a very colorful city.

Where are you these days? You were going to give me a time to call you. Miss ya :(

At 8:08 PM, Blogger m. said...

luverly! i think the colder the place, the more earthy and bright the shades of red.

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Revealed said...

M said what I was thinking :). It's beautiful!

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

loved that last one. wow! why do i always get either clear blue skies or ditry gray high clouds?!

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Anurag said...

Senthil: The sky does look nice in B/W, but the building comes out very grey, as it is a dull colour.

Gettingthrenow: All Europe is lovely. I will call you sometime this week.

M: Do you think so? India has some nice reds as well.

Revealed: Thanks.

Arjun: You have to be out shooting when it rains. :)


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