Yo peoples! Continuing my streak of disloyalty, I have bought another digital camera. This time it is a digital SLR -- Canon Rebel XTi aka Canon EOS 400D. I could go on an on about how it is a wonderful camera, but let the picture speak 1K words.

I must thank Gina, my wonderful wife, for making me buy this camera, as well as my sister Charu (whom I was visiting in US) for taking me to Circuit City and bearing with my on-the-spot shopping demands.
Surprisingly, the thing on my mind right now is not what to shoot but how I am going to introduce this new addition to my existing harem of Canon Rebel G (the old film SLR) and Kodak V550 (the digi that I first cheated on the SLR with). I now have three cameras and six lenses! If a sensational event were to unfold in front of my eyes right now, I would probably miss capturing it altogether as I would be too busy trying to decide which camera to use, with which lenses and which settings.
Anyway, I present to you the first good picture taken with the new camera.

Morning lights
Canon 75-300 mm lens, f5.0 1/3s
As usual, comments, criticism and bearer cheques are most welcome.
Surprisingly, the thing on my mind right now is not what to shoot but how I am going to introduce this new addition to my existing harem of Canon Rebel G (the old film SLR) and Kodak V550 (the digi that I first cheated on the SLR with). I now have three cameras and six lenses! If a sensational event were to unfold in front of my eyes right now, I would probably miss capturing it altogether as I would be too busy trying to decide which camera to use, with which lenses and which settings.
Anyway, I present to you the first good picture taken with the new camera.

Morning lights
Canon 75-300 mm lens, f5.0 1/3s
As usual, comments, criticism and bearer cheques are most welcome.
I love this one. Especially the atmosphere. What time of the day did you take this pic? Late evening?
Senthil: This one was taken early in the morning. Maybe around 6:30 AM.
Hmmm... I guess now it is high time that I too gave into temptation and bought a DSLR :-/ Film shooters seem to be falling like flies all around me and Soma informs me that slide development charges are rising faster than the fuel prices (if such a thing can be imagined).
Coming to the photo, I liked the concept, but felt that the depth of field might have been improved. Since you used a telephoto, it might have been possible to get all the three lighters in sharp focus by stepping back a bit?
Congrats on your new purchase. Even i picked up a new DSLR frustrated with the quality of the slide scans my lab guy delivers me. Would be looking forward for a lot of photos from you.
Recently myself, Amit and Nilanjan organised a Photography Exhibition at UGS. We certainly did miss your collection.
great title and mood captured. What city were you in the US?
Love the pic
king j: I went for the DSLR for the same reason. It is just too cumbersome to develop print these days. As for the DOF, your suggestion is noted for future experimentation.
Soma: Nice! Which camera did you buy? Send me links to some of the pics which you exhibited. Also, do you blog?
gawker: Thanks. I was mostly in Norwalk, CT and NYC, but also traveled to Birmingham, AL (great touristic place) and Jax, FL.
brewtus: Thanks.
much niceness!
Awesom !
i have been meaning to get this baby for a while now ! i have a couple of canon lenses lying around as well
good stuff mate !
I bought a D50.
Some of the links to my photos at the exhibition are at http://www.flickr.com/photos/54606687@N00/
Not sure about Amit and Nilu.
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