What I have been upto these past decades
People who know me well do not lend me money. They also know that I am the curious sort, always looking for knowledge in the most unlikely places, which is probably why I don't find any. Another thing known only to the people close to me, which is why you should be thanking your lucky stars right now dear reader, is that I am full of ideas. I am so full of ideas that if you walked behind me for a whole day, some of these ideas are bound to slip out of my brain and you could pick them right up and get rich putting them in practice. Why don't I put my ideas in place, you ask? Well, you innocent child you, read the first line of this post.
Anyway, of late I have come across an idea bearing considerable merit which I want to discuss with the general public (you).
Using my mathematical skills I develop a model which can predict the algorithm used by the US department of justice to decide the false identities and destinations for people under the witness protection program. Then I sell this model to the mafia bosses (know as mafii from now on, for convenience) for a large sum of money. The trick is this: the model will work well only for the first few times. By then I will have made my money and disappeared, probably gone to the US DoJ and given them the list of the mafii for more money in return, who will then place me in the WPP (the DoJ, not the mafii). Now, the mafii will be really mad at this point, mainly because they did not read the first line of this post. They will run the model, come up with a name and location to find out where I am placed which, because of my immeasurable intelligence and foresight, will match with a real name and a person who will also be a close lookalike of mine (and, preferably, in the WPP), who will then be eliminated by the mafii's hit men. Here's the beauty of the whole thing:
--> I make the money off the mafii.
--> I make the money off the gvernment.
--> The government spends the taxpayer's money to protect me.
--> The mafii think they got their revenge and lay off me.
The sheer brilliance of this idea has got me dizzy. Except for a few minor details, the whole thing is ready. All I have to do now is go meet a venture capitalist who does not belong to or work with the mafia and I will be all set.
Meanwhile, why don't you enjoy a few pictures that I took at the Sinhagadh fort near the city of Pune?

Watch dog

Don't remember the name of this place. Puneites, please help.

Mhatre, the angry kanda-bhajji seller

Shrik reflects
Roughly speaking, this looks a lot like my job, except for the potentially hazardous parts like the mafia and the DoJ. And I am getting rather desperate about getting out of Haridwar...
And this chair pic, like I told you earlier, has really grown on me...awesome.
Abandoned houses - in pictures or in reality - make me sad. I begin wondering about the good old days that house must have seen, the people who lived there... Did they like this house? What was it like during festival season? With people bustling in and out, happy kids scampering around... Why was it abandoned? How long ago? Where are the people who lived here now? Are they happy where they are? Do they ever visit this place anymore? (I guess not, by the looks of it)...
Well, I seem to have gone completely off my rocker to be launched into this monolgue over a picture!
Pleasing compositions, especially the first two pictures. Last one is also very nice.
Nice pics - esp the mass fav - the abandoned house.. well I hardly noticed the house, till I read the caption - the chair captured the whole attention. hmmmm..
Maybe you need a helmet :-)
Good luck with your ingenious get- rich-scheme! By the way, I've started reading Maximum City, and I can't help feeling that your plan - bold, risky, involving the mafii, deception, and travels across the sea - all of that sounds typically Bombay-like...
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