It is a fact known to those near and dear to me that I am a closet artist. Last weekend I painted very beautiful abstract patterns on the inside of my bedroom closet. However, such art does not get the kind of attention it rightly deserves. Therefore, I am trying to develop other kind of artistic abilities. On a trip to the US last September, I bought a Wacom Graphire Tablet.
It is a nifty gadget, but takes a little getting used to. I am no Picasso, but I can draw a mean free-hand straight line. Rather, I could draw a mean free-hand straight line on paper. The tablet is a different story altogether. However, I persisted and could soon write the alphabet using the tablet. For some of you it may not be a big deal, but I first had to learn the alphabet.
Anyway, cutting a long story short is not a good idea. Therefore I will give you the full version. Here is the first presentable sketch I made using the tablet, from a picture that I had taken at Palolem, in Goa.

As you can see, this is a very feeble attempt at something very promising. However, I have been practising and getting better. Here is a new sketch that I have started on recently. I hope to be able to finish it within a week's time, if I can manage my schedule well and work on it regularly.

Once I am done with this sketch, I will try to hone my water colour skills on the tablet. Will keep you posted. Feedback is most welcome.